Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), also known as second units or granny units, are small residential units, separate from the main residence. They may be either attached or detached from the main or primary house.
Recent State legislation has made it much easier to permit the construction of accessory dwelling units.
Can I Build An ADU?
All city and county jurisdictions have their own set of rules governing the size and design of ADUs. To find out if your property qualifies for an ADU, we first perform a site-specific feasibility review. Once we confirm zoning and any building constraints for your property, we can start the design process.
What Is Your ADU Design Process?
After confirming the feasibility of your project, we will work closely together to design the ADU you envision. Our office then generates the working drawings needed for the building permit. Once the plans are complete, we can make the building permit application and monitor the status until the permit is approved and ready to issue.
Considering an ADU?
Schedule a FREE consultation to discuss your design ideas and project challenges with one of our designers.